Hey family!
Wow, quite the stories for this week. Sounds like this year's Manti trip was really the epic one. That's not talking about the show itself either. XD Glad to hear the trip was good this year, without the side effect of a big scary man taking our spot. >:( Toy Story 3 is now out? Huh, that's cool, pixar has yet to fail us.
This week was good! I did a lot of work this week and met with a General Authority! Elder Ringwood of the 70. He was really cool! I got to shake his hand and talk to him for a bit, he talked a lot about preparing for everything. That if we are prepared the Lord will put people that are waiting in our path. It was a really good talk.
This week is Transfer Calls this Friday, The prediction is this: Elder Grover will leave and I will stay. I will let you all know what happens next week.
Last P-Day you were all informed I went ice skating. I liked to inform you that I walked away with no injuries. Also I got pics. :3 It was a lot of fun. I actually got really good, or Zone Leader Elder Choi ice skated before his mission so he taught a little how to skate. Also while on the ice one of the elder's wore his mission clothes so we decided to make "Missionaries on Ice." Oh it was really funny! We thought of these songs I wish we recorded them they were epic. Some of the songs were: "I hate ice," "전도ing," "I love the Koreans," and "Trunky" oh man it was funny hearing us. Wish you could've seen it.
Lately Grover and I have been working a lot on Less Actives and the program "To the Rescue" have you guys heard of it over there? Just curious it's apparently world spread. Also special prayers to our R.C. he hasn't been able to come out to church for a few weeks so we need your prayers to help him out.
Also the world cup is done over here. Now let me tell Koreans are really crazy for this game. There have been 4 games and we keep hearing people yell "대한미국!" Or Big Korea Team! We can't sleep at night when these games happened. When they won, everyone the next day would walk around all proud, and yesterday when they lost everyone was so down. It was hilarious to watch. Now if America had that kind of unity of pride...oh we'd be in trouble.
But yeah that's going around here, we have hit rain season again...meaning lots of humidity and lots of wet socks. But it's not as bad as last year surprisingly so it's all good.
Well that's it for this week :D
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