Hey family!
So you are all pretty interested of what happened on transfers aren't ya? Well....I'm not training. *whew* The 14 that are will be great trainers and I have faith they are called to do it right now. Now yes, I admit it is a little disappointing but it's not my place to tell the Lord or President what's good or bad. BUUUT, I do have some other news about transfers that you all might be curious about. For one thing I got moved! My companion Elder Kaing will train in 경산 (give him a hand for being a great missionary) and I have been moved about 45 minutes away in Daegu called 대명. (Dae-Myung) ...7 areas...big record.... >_> I also have a new companion who I can call a "greenie" for I'm his 2nd companion. Ladies and Gentleman let me introduce my first Junior Elder 김유진! (Kim Eu Jin) Yep, got another Korean Companion! So, your guess wasn't completely off just not a "brand new greenie" :P So also to add more fun, the house I live in is a 4 man house! Elder Green who works in 수성 also lives here with his new greenie who he'll train. It shall be a very entertaining transfer. Also indeed we have been rained on to death over here, not to mention the thunder! It's SO LOUD over here! Mom you would love it! It has cooled off but the humidity does hit us hard afterward....not fun....
So about today, so after moving to the new house (very big but very ghetto) we went up to a HUGE Buddha temple place where all these Buddha temples are. Lot of cool pics hence why this email is very short. (no time :*( ) But I leave more pics (sorry about last week they kicked us out due to time.)
So I have to be quick other elders have to write,
Love you all,
Elder Harken
Fun pics! Thanks for posting! :)